We aim to honor those who have demonstrated exemplary dedication, innovation, and effectiveness in creating value for their communities, industries, and the world at large
Our values are simple, concrete, meaningful and capture the essence of our culture, who we are and how we interact with one another. Integrity is the golden thread encompassing all our values and binds our trusted relationship.
Be supportive, be caring and encourage each other. At BKB we go out of our way to place importance on the people around us. We know our business would not function without them and we therefore strive to treat our clients, colleagues and suppliers with dignity, we encourage them to grow and help them achieve exceptional levels of performance.
Remember that when we speak of BKB we are not only referring to management…BKB is MADE UP OF ALL OF US. Think of BKB as a car with many parts. Each part, no matter how small is a great asset and is there to fulfil a role in making the car move forward.
Smile, be helpful, be friendly, be welcoming and go the extra mile. At BKB we strive to fulfil our daily tasks with a positive attitude and willingness to go the extra mile for our clients and for each other. We put our clients first and realise that even the smallest action can make the biggest difference.
A business with no customers is not a business. It is therefore important that we develop a passion for excellence and a passion to serve. The real power of making a proclamation doesn’t just come from external sources, but from inside you.
Be pro-active, share ideas, be innovative & become a problem solver. At BKB we support a culture of constant renewal and we are looking for innovative ways in which we can be better at what we do. We therefore encourage all BKB employees to act like entrepreneurs in their own divisions by always looking for new solutions and sharing ideas. The real power of making a proclamation doesn’t just come from external sources, but from inside you.
Work smarter, sell harder, be productive and don’t waste. Profit is the driving force behind any business. It allows a business to grow and creates job opportunities for each of us. Without it there would be no reason to work. At BKB we therefore have to place great emphasis on working in a cost effective way to help BKB operate profitably. We need to do this in a sustainable way in the best interest of all our stakeholders. In a responsible and accountable manner each of us can make a difference to ensure the company has a healthy bank balance.
Sustainability drives us. At BKB we have a commitment to creating long-term value by considering the ecological, social, and economic impact of our operations. Sustainability is not just about meeting expectations, but about proactively developing strategies that benefit our people, our planet, and ensure the longevity of the company.
Over the course of several remarkable years, we have had the privilege of witnessing excellence at its finest. We celebrate these outstanding achievements and enduring contributions of individuals and entities who have left an indelible mark in their respective fields.
Open to all BKB employees and clients. Let’s celebrate those who make things happen, who make a difference in the lives of their colleagues and clients. Nominate a colleague or BKB employee who carries out BKB Values in their daily role. You may nominate as many individuals as you choose.
BKB Limited (BKB) is pleased to announce the acquisition of the Provident group of companies (Provident), a provider of agricultural and animal health services in the Transkei region.
The first six months of the current financial year have been very challenging for most of the BKB Group’s business units.
In accordance with paragraph 11.40 of the listing requirements of Cape Town Stock Exchange Proprietary Limited (“CTSE”), the following information is disclosed regarding a dealing in BKB securities by a director of the Company on CTSE.