
Company Policies

BKB will always stay committed to driving positive changes and ensuring fairness throughout its entire workforce.

Human Resources

We provide a variety of services to our employees. These services are diverse and range from general benefits such as medical aid and retirement fund schemes, with generous death and disability benefits, to overall employee care. We have previously converted to a “cost to company” remuneration structure which remains instrumental for ensuring reward parity, internally as well as for external benchmarking as a means to attract and retain talent.

BKB Wellness includes free trauma counselling as well as an HIV/Aids insurance protector providing psychological and medical (including free anti-retroviral treatment) support to all employees. In addition, we also have merit recognition events and long service awards.

Online Recruitment

Simplify HR is an online recruitment talent community portal, aiming to bridge the gap between job seekers and ourselves. Attracting and retaining the right talent is at the heart of any business’ success. With the skills pool in certain sectors being limited, it is becoming increasingly challenging for companies to gain access to the right candidates in the quickest possible time.

Employee Self-Service
Centres (ESS)

ESS is a platform that is designed to make administrative processes as effortless as possible by empowering staff to:

  • Maintain personal details
  • Apply for leave
  • View leave balances
  • View and obtain payslips
  • View and obtain tax certificates
  • Complete and view performance reviews
  • All of the above is done through a streamlined and paperless process

Our industry is subject to the Agri-sector specific regulation under the Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) legislation, and we proactively implement policies that are in accordance with BBBEE guidelines. We are a level 8 contributor. Our policies promote equitable human resource practices for greater inclusivity amongst all groups.

View BBBEE Certificate 


As an employer, we are committed to equity in all employment practices. Our employment strategy rests firmly on the following pillars:

  • Appropriate structures and resources to co-ordinate and monitor the implementation of Employment Equity;
  • Aspiring that the composition of the organisation begins to reflect regional and national economically active demographics at all job levels;
  • Equitable policies, procedures, practices and facilities;
  • Instilling an organisational culture that is conducive to Employment Equity, diversity and sustainable business;
  • An equal opportunity situation for all women;
  • The accommodation of people with disabilities;
  • To retain, promote and develop employees from designated groups through focused and appropriate recruitment, retention and development initiatives.

BKB is committed to Transformation and has an Employment Equity Forum, chaired by our Human Resources General Manager, which provides a forum for representatives of labour, management and other designated groups to review the progress, and discuss the direction, of our equity employment policies. In addition, the Board has a Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee and Human Resources Committee that ensures compliance and governance and conscious leadership.