In accordance with paragraph 11.40 of the listing requirements of Cape Town Stock Exchange Proprietary Limited (“CTSE”), the following information is disclosed regarding a dealing in BKB securities by a director of the Company on CTSE:
Name of the Director: Jacques Benjamin van Niekerk
Company of which I am a Director: BKB Limited
Status: Executive / Non-executive: Financial Director of BKB Group
Type of security: Shares
Class of security: Ordinary Shares
Date of the transaction: 29 April 2022
Number of shares: (i) 3 750
(ii) 13 750
Price per share: (i) R11.90
(ii) R11.95
Total value of transaction: (i) R44 625.00
(ii) R164 312.50
Nature of transaction: On market disposal
Nature and extent of Director’s Direct beneficial
interest in the transaction
Confirmation that clearance has Yes, clearance has been granted
been given in terms of paragraph
11.40.8 of the CTSE listing