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Dealing in BKB securities by an Associate of a Director of the Company

25 April 2022

In accordance with paragraph 11.40 of the listing requirements of Cape Town Stock Exchange Proprietary Limited (“CTSE”), the following information is disclosed regarding a dealing in BKB securities by an associate of a director of the Company on CTSE:


Name of the Director:                                      Hans (“Hansie”) Jurie Swart


Company of which I am a Director:                 BKB Limited


Status: Executive / Non-executive:                  Non-Executive


Type of security:                                             Shares


Class of security:                                            Ordinary Shares


Date of the transaction:                                  25 April 2022


Number of shares:                                        (i)3 080

(ii)2 000


Price per share:                                               (i)R10.60                     



Total value of transaction:                            (i)R32 648.00

(ii)R23 200.00


Nature of transaction:                                     On market acquisition


Nature and extent of Director’s interest          Indirect beneficial

in the transaction:


Name of associate:                                          Koppieskraal Implemente (Pty) Limited



Nature of the relationship between the           Hansie Swart, who is a director of Koppieskraal

Director and the Associate:


Confirmation that clearance has been             Yes, clearance has been granted

given in terms of paragraph 11.40.8 of the

ctse listing requirements