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Wool Market Report - 15 September 2021

16 September 2021

On the 5th wool auction of the 2021/2022 sale season, the merino wool market indicator was unchanged to close on 16243c per kg clean wool. The average clean wool market indicators for good quality long fleece wool (MF4/MF5) with a tenstile strength of 35 (NKT) were as follows:

Fibrediameter (µ) CWP*  PM** Fibrediameter (µ) CWP* PM**     *Clean wool price     **Price movement
18 µ 23026 (+2,3%) 21 µ 15768 (+2,2%)
19 µ 19716 (+3,2%) 22 µ 13613 (-3,5%)
20 µ 15711 (-2,0%) 23 µ

The key buyers on the sale were: Modiano (1,244 bales), Tianyu SA Pty (Ltd) (1,109 bales) Standard Wool (911 bales). Of the 4,784 bales offered 4,668 bales were declared sold (97%). Highest prices achieved on the BKB auction were as follows:

Name Scheme Area Descr. AWEX Type Mic Clean NKT Price
1. AC De Klerk RWS Jamestown AH MWF4S.78 17.5µ 76.9% 48 22090c
2. AC De Klerk RWS Jamestown BH MWF4S.73 17.2µ 77.0% 43 21680c
3. JIVZ Naude RWS Richmond AH MWF4E.97 17.0µ 71.4% 36 21360c
4. PL Fourie RWS Brandfort AH   MWF5S.88 16.2µ 66.0% 32 21240c
5. HJP Nel   RWS Brandfort BFY MF4S.69 17.2µ 76.2% 43 21220c
6. KM King    Steynsburg BH MWF4S.75 16.8µ 73.1%   43 20400c
7. JIVZ Naude   RWS Richmond CL MWF5E.76 16.9µ 70.5% 27 20290c
8. TE Hobson    Graaff-Reinet BH   MWF4E.82 16.0µ 67.2% 32 20000c
9. TE Hobson    Graaff-Reinet CH   MWF5E.70 15.4µ 64.3% 29 19810c
10. TE Hobson    Graaff-Reinet AFY MF5E.92 16.1µ 63.0% 42 19600c

The next wool auction, will take place on 28 September 2021.