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Wool Market Report - 20 October 2021

27 October 2021

On the 10th wool auction of the 2021/2022 sale season, the merino wool market indicator increased with 2,2% to close on 16678c per kg clean wool.The average clean wool market indicators for good quality long fleece wool (MF4/MF5) with a tenstile strength of 35 (NKT) were as follows:

Fibrediameter (µ) CWP*  PM** Fibrediameter (µ) CWP* PM**     *Clean wool price     **Price movement
18 µ 24271 (+0,8%) 21 µ 16434 (+4,6%)
19 µ 20896 (+4,1%) 22 µ 13779 (+2,4%)
20 µ 16699 (+4,5%) 23 µ

The key buyers on the sale were: G Modiano (1,978 bales), Lempriere Wool Services SA (1,556 bales), Tianyu SA Pty Ltd (1,226 bales). Of the 8,138 bales offered 7,989 bales were declared sold (98%). Highest prices achieved on the BKB auction were as follows:

Name Scheme Area Descr. AWEX Type Mic Clean NKT Price
1. Dewing Farms (Pty) Ltd   RWS Cathcart BFFY MF4E.76 15.6µ 72.5% 41 26410c
2. Dewing Farms (Pty) Ltd   RWS Cathcart AFFY MF4E.94 16.0µ 72.9% 46 25200c
3. Dewing Farms (Pty) Ltd   RWS Cathcart BKSY MF5M.78 15.8µ 68.1% 50 23610c
4. Dewing Farms (Pty) Ltd   RWS Cathcart AFFY   MF4E.89 16.9µ 73.0% 45 23210c
5. Dewing Farms (Pty) Ltd   RWS Cathcart CFFY MF4E.70 15.7µ 69.7% 47 23200c
6. Dewing Farms (Pty) Ltd   RWS Cathcart BFFY MF4E.71 16.5µ 71.0%   49 23000c
7. Dewing Farms (Pty) Ltd   RWS Cathcart HB MP5S.73 16.4µ 71.9% 41 22600c
8. Edcot Trust   RWS East London BFH   MWF4E.77 16.6µ 69.8% 38 22510c
9. Gelukshof Bdy (Pty) Ltd   RWS Burgersdorp CH   MWF4S.69 16.9µ 72.6% 39 22300c
10. Edcot Trust   RWS East London CMY MF4E.64 15.9µ 68.7% 35 22050c

The next wool auction, will take place on 27th October 2021.