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Wool Market Report - 24 March 2021

25 March 2021

On the 27th wool auction of the 2020/2021 sale season, the merino wool market indicator decreased by 0,7% to close on 16103c per kg clean wool. The average clean wool market indicators for good quality long fleece wool (MF4/MF5) with a tenstile strength of 35 (NKT) were as follows:

Fibrediameter (µ) CWP*  PM** Fibrediameter (µ) CWP* PM**     *Clean wool price **Price movement  
18 µ 20784 (-1,1%) 21 µ 15098 (+1,2%)
19 µ 18675 (-1,0%) 22 µ 14592 (+2,6%)
20 µ 16047 (-2,0%) 23 µ    

The key buyers on the sale were: Standard Wool (1,411 bales), Lempriere Wool Services SA (1,302 bales) G Modiano (1,160 bales). Of the 5,716 bales offered 5,561 bales were declared sold (97%). The highest prices achieved on the BKB auction were as follows:

Name Scheme Area Descr. AWEX Type Mic Clean NKT Price
1. HJ Beukes   RWS Ermelo BH MWF5E.73 15.8µ 68.1% 34 18310c  
2. HJ Beukes RWS Ermelo AH MWF4E.79 16.8µ 72.9% 40 18190c  
3. HJ Beukes   RWS Ermelo CMY MF4E.57 15.8µ 68.7% 44 17980c  
4. Janieger (Pty) Ltd RWS Volksrust CL   MWF5E.65 16.4µ 70.3% 44 17910c  
5. HJ Beukes RWS Ermelo AH MWF4S.99 15.9µ 65.9% 38 17600c  
6. JOC J Van Den Berg RWS Dewetsdorp CMY MF4E.61 16.6µ 70.4%   41 17480c  
7. Prestprops 1057 Bk   Rouxville BMY MF5S.67 16.7µ 71.5% 24 17430c  
8. AS Jordaan RWS Cradock ANKS   MP5S.74 17.1µ 73.6% 42 17420c  
9. Janieger (Pty) Ltd RWS Volksrust BH MWF4E.73 17.1µ 71.8% 47 17150c  
10. CJ Carroll RWS Dewetsdorp HBKS MWF5E.81 17.0µ 70.7% 26 16800c  

The next auction will take place on the 14th April 2021.